Need help least to greatest 0.5,0.05,5/8

0.5 = 50 cents

0.05 = 5 cents
5/8 = 0.63 = 63 cents


Idk really 😌💅🏾

To put the given numbers in order from least to greatest, we need to compare their values. Let's start with the numbers you provided: 0.5, 0.05, and 5/8.

1. Comparing 0.5 and 0.05:
- The decimal 0.5 is greater than 0.05 because the more significant digit is 5, which is greater than 0.
- So, 0.5 comes after 0.05.

2. Comparing 0.5 and 5/8:
- To compare a decimal with a fraction, we can convert the fraction to a decimal.
- The decimal equivalent of 5/8 is 0.625. This is because 5 divided by 8 equals 0.625.
- So, 0.625 is greater than 0.5.
- Therefore, 5/8 comes after 0.5.

Putting the numbers in order from least to greatest: 0.05, 0.5, 5/8.