What is legacy

Legacy refers to something that is inherited or passed down from a previous generation, or the impact and influence that someone or something leaves behind. It can pertain to various aspects such as money, property, beliefs, traditions, values, skills, accomplishments, or contributions.

To understand the concept of legacy, you can gather information from various sources such as:

1. Dictionaries: Look up the definition of legacy in reputable dictionaries to get a general understanding of its meaning in different contexts.

2. Literature: Read books, articles, or essays that discuss the concept of legacy. Authors often provide detailed explanations and explore different perspectives.

3. Historical Context: Study the legacies of important historical figures or events. Analyze the impact they had on society, culture, or specific fields of expertise.

4. Personal Reflection: Think about what legacy means to you, and how you want to be remembered. Consider what you would like to pass down to future generations or the impact you would like to make in your community.

By exploring these avenues, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of what legacy means in different contexts and develop a personal viewpoint on the topic.