
subtract 7 4/5 from 18 6/15

Can someone show me how to do this please

First you need to find the common denominator.

18 6/15 - 7 4/5 = 18 6/15 - 7 12/15

Then change 18 6/15 to 17 21/15

17 21/15 - 7 12/15 = ?

Certainly! To subtract mixed numbers like 18 6/15 - 7 4/5, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the mixed numbers as improper fractions.
18 6/15 can be rewritten as 18 + 6/15. Since there are 15 parts in one whole, multiply 18 by 15 and add the numerator to get the numerator of the improper fraction: (18 * 15) + 6 = 276.
Thus, 18 6/15 can be written as 276/15.

Similarly, 7 4/5 can be rewritten as 7 + 4/5. Since there are 5 parts in one whole, multiply 7 by 5 and add the numerator to get the numerator of the improper fraction: (7 * 5) + 4 = 39.
Thus, 7 4/5 can be written as 39/5.

Step 2: Find a common denominator.
To subtract fractions, you need to make sure they have the same denominator. In this case, both fractions already have denominators of 15 and 5, so you don't need to find a new common denominator.

Step 3: Subtract the fractions.
Now that you have the improper fractions with a common denominator, you can simply subtract the numerators.
276/15 - 39/5

Step 4: Simplify the result (if necessary).
If the result is an improper fraction, you may simplify it by reducing it to a mixed number, if desired.

Now, let's calculate the subtraction:

276/15 - 39/5

Step 5: Perform the subtraction.
To subtract the fractions, subtract the numerators and keep the common denominator:

(276 - 39)/15

Simplifying further:


Step 6: Simplify the result (if necessary).
To simplify the fraction, you can find the whole number and proper fraction part:
237 divided by 15 is 15 with a remainder of 12. Therefore, the mixed number form is:

15 12/15

Step 7: Simplify the mixed number (if necessary).
If possible, simplify the mixed number further by reducing the fraction:

15 12/15 can be simplified to 15 4/5.

So, the result of subtracting 7 4/5 from 18 6/15 is 15 4/5.