So, I was wondering if anybody could check my letter to see if there is anything I need to add or revise.

March 10, 1770
Dear my beloved family,

Of course, you have known of my trip to the Americas, specifically Boston. This trip has been a complete and utter surprise, in fact, this trip was so crazy that I witnessed an actual massacre. Let me tell you what happened.
I was down in the dwelling where the colonists let me stay, It was pleasantly nice. The food there depended on the season but there was plenty of fish to go around since I was near the coast, but the fruits vegetables there were fresh and very delicious. Some local colonists made some very good hard apple cider with the abundance of apples that they grow.
But there’s more than this than just the food. I spectated the most bizarre thing. I was walking near the customs house and I heard a huge commotion. A mob was outside the house shouting at the soldiers who were in front protecting and stopping the mob. I saw the soldiers strike at the mob, but I also saw many people of the mob pelting snowballs at many of the guards. But there was a sudden gunshot with more following. 5 men were down that day.
Samuel Adams set up a funeral for the five men and burying them in Granary Burying Ground. At the day of the funeral shops were closed, church bells were tolled, and what seemed like thousands of people attended. The five men were brought to the burial ground by horse-drawn hearse. It was truly a bizarre time here but i’m sad to leave so early.

James Morris

To get feedback on your letter and see if there's anything you need to add or revise, you have a few options:

1. Ask a friend or family member: You can share your letter with someone you trust and ask them to review it for you. They can provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

2. Use an online writing community or platform: Many websites and forums exist where you can post your writing and receive feedback from other writers. Some popular platforms include Wattpad, Scribophile, and Reddit's r/writing subreddit.

3. Hire a professional editor: If you want more thorough and professional feedback, you can consider hiring a professional editor. They can provide detailed feedback on your writing, help with grammar and style, and suggest improvements.

Remember, when seeking feedback on your writing, it's important to be open to criticism and willing to make changes. This will help you improve your writing skills and produce a better final product.