HallIe reads 6 pages from her book in 8 minutes. If she continues reading at the same rate and the amount of time changes by a factor of 5/2, how many pages wi Hallie answer of 15, can you tell us how to work out this problem. Thanks 480/1 5/2= 2400/2

6 * 5/2 = 15

The actual time of 8 minutes does not matter. If she has 5/2 as much time, she will read 5/2 as many pages.

you cannot multiply pages by minutes or seconds. The units do not make sense.

Sure! To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion to determine the number of pages Hallie will read.

First, we need to find the rate at which Hallie reads, which is given as "6 pages in 8 minutes." We can then calculate the rate as 6 pages / 8 minutes = 0.75 pages per minute.

Next, we are told that the amount of time changes by a factor of 5/2. If we multiply the original time of 8 minutes by 5/2, we get 8 * (5/2) = 20 minutes.

Using the new time of 20 minutes, we can multiply it by the rate we calculated earlier to find the number of pages:
20 minutes * 0.75 pages per minute = 15 pages.

So, Hallie will read 15 pages if she continues reading at the same rate and the amount of time changes by a factor of 5/2.