17) Simplify

Answer: -8

18) Add
Answer: -16

7(3x -2)=28

20)Solve using the addition principle

18-20 look good.

However, in 17, 32/-8 = -4. Divided by -1/2 (multiplied by -2) = 8 rather than -8.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Thank You! I am only having problems with 9 more questions.

2)find -x when x=-92/29
Answer: 92/29

7)use cummutative law to find and equivalent expression
answer: I don't even know where to start with this one

To simplify the expression [32/-8]/-1/2:

Step 1: First, let's simplify the innermost division [32/-8].
- When dividing a number by a negative number, the result is negative.
- So, [32/-8] = -4.

Step 2: Now, let's simplify the remaining division -4/-1/2.
- When dividing a number by a fraction, we can multiply the number by the reciprocal of the fraction.
- Reciprocal of -1/2 is -2/1 (flipping numerator and denominator).
- So, -4 divided by -1/2 is -4 * -2/1 = 8/1 = 8.

Therefore, [32/-8]/-1/2 simplifies to 8. So the answer is 8.

To add -7 and -9:

Step 1: Add the numbers together.
-7 + (-9) = -16.

Therefore, the sum of -7 and -9 is -16.

To solve the equation 7(3x - 2) = 28:

Step 1: Distribute the 7 to the terms inside the parentheses.
7 * 3x - 7 * 2 = 28.
21x - 14 = 28.

Step 2: Add 14 to both sides of the equation to isolate the term with x.
21x - 14 + 14 = 28 + 14.
21x = 42.

Step 3: Divide both sides of the equation by 21 to solve for x.
21x / 21 = 42 / 21.
x = 2.

Therefore, the solution to the equation 7(3x - 2) = 28 is x = 2.

To solve the equation 6.4 = x - 3.7 using the addition principle:

Step 1: Add 3.7 to both sides of the equation to isolate the term with x.
6.4 + 3.7 = x - 3.7 + 3.7.
10.1 = x.

Therefore, the solution to the equation 6.4 = x - 3.7 is x = 10.1.