What was one similarity between the bill of rights and the Magna Carta?

A. Both outlined a structure that gave the government the right to tax its citizens
B. Both established a detailed justice system
C. Both provided guidelines for ensuring basic citizen rights
D. Both were based on the premise that the states should have more power

Honey why haven't you been replying to my calls and text. Im worried. Where are you!!

Yes, C.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

To determine the similarity between the Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta, we need to understand what each document represents. The Magna Carta was a document signed in 1215 in England, which was intended to limit the power of the monarch and protect the rights of feudal barons. The Bill of Rights, on the other hand, is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, adopted in 1791, which protect individual liberties and restrict government interference.

Now, let's analyze the options:

A. Both outlined a structure that gave the government the right to tax its citizens:
The Magna Carta dealt primarily with restrictions on the power of the monarchy, and while taxation was mentioned, it did not outline a specific structure for government taxation. The Bill of Rights, on the other hand, does not address the government's right to tax citizens. Therefore, this option is not correct.

B. Both established a detailed justice system:
While the Magna Carta did introduce some elements related to legal rights and procedures, it did not establish a comprehensive justice system. The Bill of Rights also did not establish a detailed justice system, as it primarily focused on individual rights and limitations on government actions. Therefore, this option is not correct.

C. Both provided guidelines for ensuring basic citizen rights:
This option seems promising since both documents indeed aimed to protect the rights of individuals. The Magna Carta limited the power of the monarch, guaranteeing certain basic freedoms to the barons. Similarly, the Bill of Rights was created to protect individual liberties and restrict government interference. Therefore, this option is correct.

D. Both were based on the premise that the states should have more power:
Neither the Magna Carta nor the Bill of Rights focused on the power distribution between states. The Magna Carta primarily limited the power of the English monarchy, while the Bill of Rights focused on individual rights and restraining government action on a federal level. Therefore, this option is not correct.

In conclusion, the correct answer is C. Both the Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta provided guidelines for ensuring basic citizen rights.

No, it's D