The first amendment protects which rights? Select all that apply.

The right to own a gun?
The right to a fair trial?**
The right to practice a religion(or not)?
The right to criticize the government?**
The right of owning property?



Ms, Sue somtimes you be no help at all and you get your answers from wiki and everyone knows wiki is a bad site

Only one of your answers is right.

What is that?

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects several important rights. The correct answers are:

- The right to a fair trial: The First Amendment ensures that individuals have the right to a fair and impartial trial, which includes the right to legal representation, due process, and the presumption of innocence.

- The right to practice a religion (or not): The First Amendment guarantees the freedom of religion, allowing individuals to practice any religion of their choice or to follow no religious beliefs at all. This principle is known as both the freedom of religion and the freedom of conscience.

- The right to criticize the government: The First Amendment protects individuals' freedom of speech, which includes the right to criticize the government without fear of retaliation. This allows citizens to express their opinions, engage in political debates, and hold the government accountable.

- The right to own a gun: The right to own a gun is not specifically protected by the First Amendment. However, it is protected under the Second Amendment, which guarantees the right to bear arms.

- The right of owning property: The right to own property is not directly protected by the First Amendment. Instead, it is safeguarded under the Fifth Amendment, which guarantees individuals' right to private property and prohibits the government from taking private property without adequate compensation.

To answer this question correctly, it is essential to understand the specific rights protected by each amendment of the United States Constitution. In this case, the rights mentioned are protected by the First Amendment, except for the right to own a gun (protected by the Second Amendment) and the right of owning property (protected by the Fifth Amendment).