0.075 as a fraction. 7 and 5 are recuring decimals.


.075 = 75/990

To convert 0.075 into a fraction, we need to understand that both 7 and 5 are recurring decimals.

Step 1: Identify the non-recurring part
Since there is no non-recurring part in this particular decimal, we can skip this step.

Step 2: Write the equation
Let's assume x = 0.075. To avoid confusion, we'll multiply x by 1000 (3 decimal places) to remove the decimal point: 1000x = 75

Step 3: Subtract the two equations
Subtracting the original equation from the equation in Step 2, we get: 1000x - x = 75 - 0.075. Simplifying this, we have: 999x = 74.925

Step 4: Solve for x
To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 999: x = 74.925 / 999

Step 5: Convert the decimal into a fraction
To convert the decimal into a fraction, we count the number of decimal places in the repeating part, which is 3 in this case. Now we can write the fraction.

Since 74.925 / 999 is only non-recurring, we'll write it as a fraction. The numerator will be the non-recurring part, and the denominator will have as many 9s as there are decimal places (3 in this case).

Thus, the fraction form of 0.075 is 74.925 / 999.