How do you estimate 54.23-2.39???

Work: 2+6=7,000

I see a subtraction problem involving 54 and 2.

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To estimate the subtraction problem 54.23 - 2.39, you can round the numbers to the nearest whole number and then subtract.

Step 1: Round 54.23 to the nearest whole number.
54.23 is closest to 54.

Step 2: Round 2.39 to the nearest whole number.
2.39 is closest to 2.

Step 3: Subtract the rounded numbers.
54 - 2 = 52

Therefore, the estimated answer is 52.

To estimate the subtraction of 54.23 - 2.39, you can use rounding. Here's how to do it:

1. Start by rounding the numbers to the nearest whole number or a convenient decimal place. In this case, you can round 54.23 to 54 and 2.39 to 2.

Now you have: 54 - 2

2. Subtract the rounded numbers from each other: 54 - 2 = 52

Therefore, a rough estimate of 54.23 - 2.39 is 52.

However, please note that this method provides an approximation and may not give you the exact answer. To find the precise answer, you can use a calculator or perform long subtraction by aligning the decimal point and subtracting each digit.