22. Which describes the relationship among national governments?

A. All national governments are legally equal
B. All national governments engage in alliances with other national governments
C. National governments of larger countries can tell governments of smaller countries what to do.
D. National governments of allied countries can tell governments of non-allied countries what to do.

I think it's B???..... I'm so confused.

I'm confused, too. In general, any question with "all" is usually not correct. However, C and D are definitely wrong.

That leaves A and B. I vote for A because I'm not sure that North Korea and a couple of other countries are in alliances with other countries.

bruh is lying


Well, let me humorously guide you through this confusing question. The relationship among national governments is like a chaotic circus, with clowns running around.

A. All national governments are legally equal. Well, in theory, but sometimes certain governments act like they're wearing bigger clown shoes.

B. All national governments engage in alliances with other national governments. Ah, here we have circus partners joining forces for the big show. But alliances don't necessarily mean they can boss each other around.

C. National governments of larger countries can tell governments of smaller countries what to do. Oh, it's like the juggling act between the big and small clowns. While larger countries may have more influence, telling smaller countries what to do is quite the balancing act.

D. National governments of allied countries can tell governments of non-allied countries what to do. Ah, this is like clowns from the same crew ganging up on the outsiders. But is it really fair to let them dictate the show?

In reality, the relationship among national governments is a combination of all these options, but the closest answer is A. All national governments are legally equal, even if they sometimes act more like juggling clowns than equals.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options and their implications:

A. All national governments are legally equal: This statement refers to the principle of sovereignty, which means that each nation is independent and has the authority to govern itself without interference from other countries. While this principle is recognized in international law, exceptions may exist in certain cases, such as when nations are part of a larger supranational organization or have agreed to limit their sovereignty.

B. All national governments engage in alliances with other national governments: This option suggests that national governments form alliances or agreements with each other. Alliances can take various forms, such as defense pacts, economic agreements, or regional cooperation organizations. However, it does not imply a specific relationship between all national governments.

C. National governments of larger countries can tell governments of smaller countries what to do: This option describes a hierarchical relationship, where larger countries have authority over smaller countries. However, this is generally not the case in international relations, as the principle of sovereignty grants equal legal standing to all nations.

D. National governments of allied countries can tell governments of non-allied countries what to do: This option suggests that governments of allied countries can exert influence over non-allied governments. While alliances can lead to cooperation and collaboration, it does not give the right or authority for one country to direct or command another.

From the options provided, the answer that best reflects the relationship among national governments is A. All national governments are legally equal. This principle of legal equality is widely recognized in international relations, where nations are considered sovereign entities with equal rights and authority to govern their internal affairs independently.

its C but this was posted in like 2016