Ok, I am struggling with understanding world history...I have an essay to write and don't know how to begin or where to start. If someone has some info or somewhere to find what I need that would be great. Here goes....How is the World War 1 and the European expansion of New Imperialism linked?

Study your text and make an outline of the effects of WWI. Then make an outline of the European expansion.

I think you'll find that European countries took over territories they conquered and territories of other conquered countries to build their empires.

What do you find?

what is daoism?

Taoism: advocating a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events.it is philosophical system developed by Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu as-well

Understanding how World War 1 and the European expansion of New Imperialism are linked requires a good foundation of knowledge about both topics. Here's how you can begin your research and essay:

1. Start with background research:
- Read general overviews or textbooks on World War 1 and the European expansion of New Imperialism. This will provide you with a solid understanding of the key events, motivations, and consequences of each.

2. Identify the key factors:
- Look for common themes, motivations, or connections between World War 1 and New Imperialism. Consider factors such as territorial ambitions, nationalism, competition for resources, economic interests, arms race, alliances, and colonization.

3. Analyze historical context:
- Explore the geopolitical landscape of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Investigate how rapid industrialization, technological advancements, and the rise of nationalism shaped international relations, leading to both World War 1 and the expansion of New Imperialism.

4. Examine specific examples:
- Highlight specific instances where the events of World War 1 and the European expansion of New Imperialism intersected. For example, the competition over colonies and spheres of influence, such as the scramble for Africa, played a significant role in both.

5. Consider the impact:
- Assess the impact of New Imperialism on the geopolitical tensions and rivalries among European powers, which eventually escalated into World War 1. This could include discussing how the imperialistic ambitions fueled territorial disputes, created rivalries between empires, and contributed to the arms race.

6. Formulate your thesis statement:
- Based on your research, craft a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines your argument on the link between World War 1 and the European expansion of New Imperialism. This will serve as the central focus of your essay.

7. Structure your essay:
- Organize your essay into an introduction (providing context and your thesis statement), body paragraphs (covering different aspects of the link between the two topics), and conclusion (summarizing your main arguments and conclusions).

Remember, as you write your essay, cite any sources you use, use a consistent citation format (such as MLA or APA), and proofread your work for clarity and coherence. Good luck with your essay!