Solve the inequality.

-3p > -48

A p < 16
B p > -51
C p < -16 ***
D p > 16

Solve the equation

-2v - 7 = -23

A 15
B 8
C -8 ***
D -15

x/3 - 10 = -12

A -6 ***
B -66
C 6
D 66

The first two are wrong. The third is correct.

@Ms.Sue is this right

Is 1 A and 2 d

1 A - yes

2 d - no

You're on your own now.

I think 2 is b

To solve the inequality -3p > -48, you need to isolate the variable p on one side of the inequality sign.

First, divide both sides by -3 to get p alone:

-3p > -48
p < -48 / -3

Remember, when you divide or multiply both sides of an inequality by a negative number, you need to flip the inequality sign:

p < 16

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is p < 16, so the correct option is A.

To solve the equation -2v - 7 = -23, you need to isolate the variable v on one side of the equation.

First, add 7 to both sides:

-2v - 7 + 7 = -23 + 7
-2v = -16

Then, divide both sides by -2 to get v alone:

(-2v) / -2 = (-16) / -2
v = 8

Therefore, the solution to the equation is v = 8, so the correct option is B.

To solve the equation x/3 - 10 = -12, you need to isolate the variable x on one side of the equation.

First, add 10 to both sides:

x/3 - 10 + 10 = -12 + 10
x/3 = -2

Next, multiply both sides by 3 to get x alone:

(x/3) * 3 = (-2) * 3
x = -6

Therefore, the solution to the equation is x = -6, so the correct option is A.