Write the pseudocode and draw the flowchart for a program that prompts the user for his/heryearly income, and outputs the amount of taxes to paybased on the yearly income.

Sure! Here's a pseudocode and a flowchart for the program you described:

1. Prompt the user to enter their yearly income
2. Read and store the input in a variable called "income"
3. If income is less than or equal to $10,000, set taxRate to 0%
4. If income is between $10,001 and $50,000, set taxRate to 10%
5. If income is between $50,001 and $100,000, set taxRate to 20%
6. If income is greater than $100,000, set taxRate to 30%
7. Calculate the taxes to pay using the formula: taxes = income * taxRate
8. Output the taxes to pay

| Start of the Program |
| Prompt for Yearly Income|
| Read User's Input |
| If income <= $10,000, taxRate = 0% |
| Else if income <= $50,000, taxRate = 10%|
| Else if income <= $100,000, taxRate = 20%|
| Else taxRate = 30% |
| Calculate taxes = income * taxRate |
| Output taxes to pay |
| End of Program |

Please note that the pseudocode and flowchart are provided as a general guide and may need to be modified or expanded depending on the programming language you're using and any additional conditions or requirements for calculating taxes.

LOL, this depends on the level of detail. I am not going to do an entire flow chart for Turbotax deluxe :)