The atomic mass of CU 63 is 62.9296 amu with a natural abudance of 0.692. The average mass of copper is 63.546amu.What is the mass of copper's other isotope?

62.9296(0.692) + x(1-0.692) = 63.546

Solve for x.

To find the mass of the other isotope of copper, we can subtract the mass of the more abundant isotope from the average mass of copper.

Step 1: Determine the mass of the more abundant isotope
The atomic mass of Cu-63 is 62.9296 amu, and its natural abundance is 0.692.

Mass of Cu-63 = (Atomic mass of Cu-63) x (Natural abundance of Cu-63)
= 62.9296 amu x 0.692
= 43.5436 amu (rounded to four decimal places)

Step 2: Calculate the mass of the other isotope
To find the mass of the other isotope (Cu-65) of copper, we subtract the mass of Cu-63 from the average mass of copper.

Mass of Cu-65 = Average mass of copper - Mass of Cu-63
= 63.546 amu - 43.5436 amu
= 20.0024 amu (rounded to four decimal places)

Therefore, the mass of copper's other isotope (Cu-65) is approximately 20.0024 amu.