how do you turn 2.5 into a fraction that is not simplified?

2.5 = 2 5/10

no, i mean without the two, so it would be not simplified such as.....a fraction like 10/2 or something like that.

2 5/10 = 25/10 = 5/2

thanks :)

You're welcome.


To turn 2.5 into a fraction that is not simplified, you can utilize the fact that any decimal number can be written as a fraction by placing the digits after the decimal point in the numerator and using a denominator that is a power of 10 based on the number of decimal places.

Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Write down the digits after the decimal point in the numerator. In this case, the digits after the decimal point in 2.5 are 5.

Step 2: Determine the denominator. Since there is only one digit after the decimal point, the denominator will be 10 raised to the power of 1, which is 10.

Therefore, 2.5 as a fraction that is not simplified is 5/10.

Note: To simplify the fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, the GCD of 5 and 10 is 5, so dividing both by 5 gives us the simplified fraction 1/2.