Three girls shared a cake. A get 3/8 of the cake, B get 1/4 of the remainder. How much does C get?

After A, 5/8 remain.

So, how much did B get?


To find out how much C gets, we need to follow a few steps.

Step 1: Find out how much cake A gets.
It is given that A gets 3/8 of the cake.

Step 2: Find out how much remains after A takes her share.
To find out how much remains, we subtract A's share from the whole cake, which is 1 whole.

1 - 3/8 = 8/8 - 3/8 = 5/8

So, 5/8 of the cake remains after A takes her share.

Step 3: Determine how much cake B gets.
It is given that B gets 1/4 of the remainder.

To find out how much B gets, we multiply the remainder (5/8) by 1/4.

(5/8) * (1/4) = 5/32

Therefore, B gets 5/32 of the cake.

Step 4: Find out how much cake C gets.
Since we know how much cake A and B received, we can determine how much cake C gets by subtracting the shares of A and B from the whole cake.

Let's calculate:

Whole cake - (A's share + B's share) = C's share

1 - (3/8 + 5/32) = 1 - (12/32 + 5/32) = 1 - (17/32) = 15/32

Therefore, C gets 15/32 of the cake.

To recap:
A gets 3/8 of the cake.
B gets 5/32 of the cake.
C gets 15/32 of the cake.