Create a visually appealing image that symbolizes the concept of citizenship. The scene should feature a diverse group of individuals symbolizing the varying descents such as Hispanic, Caucasian, Black, Middle-Eastern, and South Asian. They should be represented as equal members of a nation, gathered at a common place which may be a city park or city square. Incorporating elements that illustrate democratic governments, responsibilities, rights, and civic duties in an abstract manner. Maintain a sense of harmony and unity echoing values of respect, support, and equality.

What is a definition of citizenship?

-having been born in a country
-being a full and equal member of a nation
-having pledged to respect and support a governments's values******
-fulfilling all the responsibilities and having all the rights of living in a society

Why do citizens have certain responsibilities?

- democratic governments are run by citizens
- responsibilities promote good values in citizens
- rights are espensive and citizens must earn them
-taxes do not provide enough money for the government to operate without help****

Why is it important that individual rights are protected?

- they allow citizens to run the government
-they ensure that all citizens are treated equally by the government*****
-they make sure that noncitizens are treated as well as citizens
-they maintain a separation of powers between citizens and the government

How are rights and civic responsibilities similar?

- they apply to all citizens
- they apply only to people who accept them
- they apply to both citizens and noncitizens****
-they apply only to people who follow the law

Please check my answers

1. B

2. A
3. B
4. A

Hey guys!

So quick note, for people who are coming here from other schools and NOT Connexus, please let other people know, because if some of these answers are from other schools, it'll help to let other people know, because people might think those answers are the actual answers and change them from the correct answer that they had, causing them to get the question wrong. As for people who are messing around, just stop, it doesn't help anybody, and it only causes and outbreak of an argument. Thanks!
From one of your fellow Connexus sudents :)

bella is correct

thanks bella

For Connexus academy @Bella is 💯 right

1. ( B ) Being a full and equal member of a government

2. ( A) Democratic governments are run by citizens

3. ( B ) They ensure that all citizens are treated equally by the government.

4. ( A ) They apply to all citizens.

Thanks sooooo much bella



its b a b a. stop messing around thank me later

thank you so much bella

the correct answers are
