The concept of pressure involves both

force and volume.
force and area.
area and volume

I cant find the exact answer from above 3 answers.

The concept of pressure involves both force and area. Pressure is defined as the amount of force applied per unit area.

To calculate pressure, you need two pieces of information: the force applied and the area over which the force is distributed.

Force is the push or pull applied on an object, typically measured in Newtons (N). This force can come from various sources, such as gravity, mechanical devices, or human interaction.

Area refers to the surface on which the force is distributed. It is measured in square units, such as square meters (m²). The area can be the surface of an object or a specific region within that surface.

When force is applied over a larger area, the pressure exerted on that area decreases. Conversely, when force is applied over a smaller area, the pressure exerted on that area increases.

Therefore, pressure is directly proportional to force and inversely proportional to the area. This relationship is expressed by the equation:

Pressure = Force / Area

So, to determine the pressure, you need to know both force and area and then divide the force by the area.

are you answer grazing?