If Tyrone tips Sharqueffa $500 and Daquan tips Watermelondrea $600, how much did the trap house earn that night if Cellularphoniqua (the owner) takes 10% of all tips. Please help

I think its $990 after Cellularphoniqua takes 10%

To calculate the amount the trap house earned that night, we need to find the total tips received by Sharqueffa and Watermelondrea, and then subtract 10% of that total, which is taken by the owner, Cellularphoniqua.

The total tips received by Sharqueffa and Watermelondrea can be found by adding the individual tip amounts:

Tyrone's tip to Sharqueffa: $500
Daquan's tip to Watermelondrea: $600

Total tips received = $500 + $600 = $1100

Now, we can calculate the amount taken by the owner, Cellularphoniqua. To find 10% of $1100, we multiply $1100 by 0.1:

Amount taken by Cellularphoniqua = $1100 * 0.1 = $110

Finally, to find the amount earned by the trap house that night, we subtract the amount taken by the owner from the total tips received:

Amount earned by the trap house = Total tips - Amount taken by owner
= $1100 - $110
= $990

Therefore, the trap house earned $990 that night.