When summarizing the of a plot, one should notice the key ideas about how the conflict builds.


When summarizing the plot of a story, it is important to pay attention to the key ideas about how the conflict builds. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do that:

Step 1: Identify the main conflict
Start by determining the main conflict of the story. This could be a problem, challenge, or tension that drives the plot forward. It is typically introduced early on in the story.

Step 2: Note the initial circumstances
Take note of the initial circumstances or the status quo at the beginning of the story. This will provide context for the conflict and help you understand the starting point of the plot.

Step 3: Identify the rising action
Analyze how the conflict is developed and intensified throughout the story. Look for key events, actions, or decisions that contribute to the rising action. These events should build tension and lead the story towards the climax.

Step 4: Observe the turning point or climax
Identify the turning point or climax of the story. This is the moment of greatest intensity or tension where the conflict reaches its peak. It often leads to a resolution or a change in the protagonist's situation.

Step 5: Determine the falling action
After the climax, observe how the conflict is resolved or the consequences of the climax are dealt with. This section is known as the falling action. It may contain the aftermath of the climax and lead to the conclusion or resolution of the story.

Step 6: Summarize the key ideas
Finally, summarize the progression of the conflict throughout the plot. Focus on the key ideas that highlight how the conflict builds, evolves, and resolves. Write a concise summary that accurately captures the main events and developments related to the conflict.

By following these steps, you will be able to notice the key ideas about how the conflict builds when summarizing the plot of a story.

When summarizing the plot of a story, it is important to pay attention to the key ideas about how the conflict builds. To do this, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the conflict: Begin by identifying the conflict or main problem in the story. This could be a clash between characters, an internal struggle within a character, or a problem that needs resolution.

2. Identify the key events: Take note of the major events that occur throughout the story. These events can include the introduction of characters, the development of relationships, and the progression of the conflict.

3. Analyze the rising action: The rising action refers to the series of events that build tension and develop the conflict. Look for the actions, decisions, and consequences that contribute to the conflict becoming more intense.

4. Note the climax: The climax is the turning point of the story, where the conflict reaches its highest point of intensity. Identify the pivotal event or decision that changes the course of the story and leads to the resolution.

5. Recognize the resolution: The resolution is the conclusion of the story, where the conflict is resolved or comes to an end. Pay attention to how the conflict is resolved and the impact it has on the characters and the overall plot.

By following these steps and paying attention to the key ideas about how the conflict builds, you can effectively summarize the plot of a story. Remember to focus on the major events and the development of the conflict throughout the story in order to capture the essence of the plot.
