This number has 7 digits

The digit in the ten thousands place is 9
The digit in the hundreds place is 3 times greater than the digit in the ones place
The digit in the millions place is the difference between the tens place and the thousands place
The hundreds thousands place is the same as the tens place
The tens place is 4 more than the ones place
The digit in the ones place is 6 less than the digit in the hundred thousands place
The digit in the thousands place is 5
What is the mystery number

I am having trouble figuring out the number in ones place,if I have that I can easily figure out the rest. I do understand the relationship between each number. Please help!

Thank you very much. This is brilliant!


To find the number in the ones place, let's break down the given clues and solve them step by step:

1. The digit in the ten thousands place is 9.
This means the number must start with 9.

2. The digit in the hundreds place is 3 times greater than the digit in the ones place.
Let's call the digit in the ones place "x". So, the digit in the hundreds place is 3x.

3. The digit in the millions place is the difference between the tens place and the thousands place.
Let's call the digit in the tens place "y" and the digit in the thousands place "5". So, the digit in the millions place is y - 5.

4. The hundreds thousands place is the same as the tens place.
Since the tens place is "y", the hundreds thousands place is also "y".

5. The tens place is 4 more than the ones place.
We already called the ones place "x", so the tens place is x + 4.

6. The digit in the ones place is 6 less than the digit in the hundred thousands place.
Since the hundred thousands place is "y", the ones place is y - 6.

Putting all the clues together, we can create the following number:

9, (y), 3x, (x+4), 5, (y), (y-5)

Now let's go through the clues again and substitute the variables with their corresponding values:

9, (y), 3x, (x+4), 5, (y), (y-5)

From clue 2: 3x = x + 4
If you solve this equation, you will get x = 2.

Now we can update our number:

9, (y), 3(2), (2+4), 5, (y), (y-5)
9, (y), 6, 6, 5, (y), (y-5)

From clue 4: The hundreds thousands place is the same as the tens place.
This means y = 6.

Updating our number:

9, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 1

From clue 6: The digit in the ones place is 6 less than the digit in the hundred thousands place.
This means y - 6 = 1. Solving this equation, we find y = 7.

Updating our number:

9, 7, 6, 6, 5, 7, 1

So, the mystery number is 9766571.

The digit in the hundreds place is 3 times greater than the digit in the ones place.

The digit in the ones place is 6 less than the digit in the hundred thousands place.

If you mark digit in the one place with x and digit in the hundreds place with h
this mean:

h = 3 x


x = h - 6

Replace x = h - 6 in the equation

h = 3 x

h = 3 * ( h - 6 )

h = 3 h - 3 * 6

h = 3 h - 18 Add 18 to both sides

h + 18 = 3 h - 18 + 18

h + 18 = 3 h Subtract h to both sides

h + 18 - h = 3 h - h

18 = 2 h Divide both sides by 2

18 / 2 = 2 h / 2

9 = h

h = 9

x = h - 6 = 9 - 6 = 3

x = 3

The digit in the ones place = 3

The digit in the hundreds place = 9


The tens place is 4 more than the ones place = 3 + 4 = 7

The tens place = 7

The digit in the ones place is 6 less than the digit in the hundred thousands place mean:

x = The hundred thousands place - 6

x = The hundred thousands place - 6 Add 6 to both sides

x + 6 = The hundred thousands place - 6 + 6

x + 6 = The hundred thousands place

3 + 6 = The hundred thousands place

9 = The hundred thousands place

The hundred thousands place = 9

The digit in the thousands place is 5

The digit in the millions place is the difference between the tens place and the thousands place mean:

The digit in the millions place = The tens place - The thousands place

The digit in the millions place = 7 - 5 = 2

The digit in the ten thousands place is 9


The digit in the millions place = 2

The hundred thousands place = 9

The digit in the ten thousands place = 9

The digit in the thousands place is 5

The digit in the hundreds place = 9

The in the tens place = 7

The digit in the ones place = 3

The mystery number = 2 995 973