club x charges a one time fee of $35 with an additional charge of $35 per month. Club y charges no initiation fee but charges $46 per month.

Write an equation to represent the cost for x amount of moths for each club.


IS this correct?

It looks good, but it's confusing having a club named x and also using x for the no. of months.

So, it looks like a typo, but the functions are correct.

No, the equations you provided are not correct.

To represent the cost for Club X, you need to consider the flat one-time fee of $35 (which is not dependent on the number of months) plus the additional charge of $35 per month. Therefore, the equation for Club X would be:

Cost for Club X = $35 + ($35 * x), where x is the number of months.

For Club Y, there is no initiation fee, so you only need to consider the monthly charge of $46 per month. The equation for Club Y would be:

Cost for Club Y = $46 * x, where x is the number of months.

Note: In these equations, x represents the number of months, not the cost.