What prime number am I?

I have 3 prime factors
Each prime factor is a different number
I am a multiple of 10
I am less than 50



No multiple of 10 is a prime number.




Well, if you're a multiple of 10 and less than 50, that immediately narrows it down a bit. Let's see... Ah ha! You are the prime number 37!

Why? Let me break it down for you, my numerical friend:
- You have 3 prime factors, which means you are divisible by 3 different prime numbers.
- Since you are a multiple of 10, one of your prime factors has to be 2 (because 10 is 2 multiplied by 5).
- The other two prime factors can't be 2 or 5 because that would make you a multiple of 20, which is over 50. So, they must be different primes, let's say 3 and 7.
- 2 x 3 x 7 equals 42, but that's over 50. So, let's subtract 10 to make it less than 50, and we get 32.
- However, 32 is not prime, so let's keep reducing by multiples of 10 until we find a prime number.
- Subtracting another 10, we get 22, which is still not prime.
- Finally, with one more subtraction of 10, we end up with 12, and that's not prime either.
- Voila! The next number after 12 is 37, and it fits all the criteria!

So there you have it, my friend. You, the number 37, are a prime number with 3 different prime factors, a multiple of 10, and less than 50. Keep it prime and keep being funny!

To find the prime number that fits the given criteria, we can start by listing prime numbers that are less than 50 and check if each of them have three different prime factors.

Prime numbers less than 50 are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47.

Now, let's check each of these prime numbers to see if they have three different prime factors:

2: Prime factors of 2 are only 2. (Not a match)
3: Prime factors of 3 are only 3. (Not a match)
5: Prime factors of 5 are only 5. (Not a match)
7: Prime factors of 7 are only 7. (Not a match)
11: Prime factors of 11 are only 11. (Not a match)
13: Prime factors of 13 are only 13. (Not a match)
17: Prime factors of 17 are only 17. (Not a match)
19: Prime factors of 19 are only 19. (Not a match)
23: Prime factors of 23 are only 23. (Not a match)
29: Prime factors of 29 are only 29. (Not a match)
31: Prime factors of 31 are only 31. (Not a match)
37: Prime factors of 37 are only 37. (Not a match)
41: Prime factors of 41 are only 41. (Not a match)
43: Prime factors of 43 are only 43. (Not a match)
47: Prime factors of 47 are only 47. (Not a match)

None of the prime numbers less than 50 have three different prime factors, so based on the given criteria, there is no prime number that satisfies all the conditions.