Duane feels he squandered too many years in inactivity, so now he welcomes the of an exercise program

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Duane feels he squandered too many years in inactivity, so now he welcomes the challenge of an exercise program.

To establish an exercise program, Duane can follow these steps:

1. Set Goals: First, Duane needs to determine his fitness goals. Does he want to lose weight, build muscle, improve cardiovascular health, or simply lead an active lifestyle? Defining specific goals will help him stay focused and motivated.

2. Choose the Right Activities: Duane should select activities that align with his goals and interests. It could be something as simple as walking or swimming, or he could explore options like weightlifting, cycling, yoga, or team sports. It's essential to find activities that he enjoys to ensure long-term adherence.

3. Start Slow: If Duane is new to exercise or has been inactive for a while, it's crucial to ease into a program to avoid injury or burnout. He should start with shorter sessions and lower intensity, gradually increasing the duration and intensity as his fitness level improves.

4. Create a Routine: Consistency is key. Duane should establish a regular exercise schedule, incorporating both cardio and strength training activities. Having a routine will help him develop a habit and make it easier to adhere to.

5. Track Progress: Duane can track his progress to monitor improvements and stay motivated. It could involve keeping a workout journal, using fitness apps, or tracking metrics like distance, speed, weight lifted, or body measurements.

6. Seek Professional Guidance: If Duane is unsure about how to structure his exercise program or needs assistance with form and technique, he may consider seeking guidance from a certified personal trainer or fitness professional. They can provide personalized advice and ensure he exercises safely and effectively.

7. Stay Consistent and Enjoy the Process: The most important thing for Duane is to maintain consistency and find enjoyment in the exercise program. Celebrate small victories, find ways to make workouts fun, and remember that staying active is an investment in his long-term health and well-being.

By following these steps, Duane can establish an exercise program that fits his goals and preferences, helping him make progress and overcome the feeling of wasted time.