What effect did the conflict between Athens and Sparta have on ancient Greek civilization?

A)It made the Greeks vulnerable to conquest by Troy.
B)It strengthened democratic rule within Athens and other city-states.
C)It led to a tenuous alliance between some Greeks and ancient Rome.
D) It caused further fractures among the Greek city-states.************


1)How were trials in Athens similar to trials in the United States today? (Correct answer)

D- The accused was considered innocent until proven guilty

2)How did Spartan government differ from Athenian government? (Correct answer)

A-Sparta had two kings

3)How did the lives of Spartan women differ from the lives of other Greek women? (Correct answer)

C-They had to exercise and stay strong

4)What effect did the conflict between Athens and Sparta have on Ancient Greek civilization? (Correct answer)

D-It caused further fractures among the Greek city-states

5)What conclusion regarding Greek city-states does the satellite image support?(Correct answer )

A-Mountains and seas incouraged them to develop independently

6)How was citizenship in ancient Athens similar to citizenship in the United States today? Select all that apply.(Correct answers)

B-Only citizens could hold office
D-Only citizens could vote for officials

7) Which Greek city-state scorned trade and affluence and did not allow its to travel? (Correct answer )


8) How where the lives of Athenian women similar to the lives of other Greek women? Select all that apply (Correct answers)

B-They had to obey their fathers and husbands
D-They did not take part in politics

9)Which of the following were effects of the Peloponnesian War? Select all that apply (Correct answers)

B-Corruption and Devotion to selfish interests eroded Democratic rule
D-War among city-states weekend defenses against foreign threats

10)How did the sea affect the development of the Greeks economy? (Correct answer)

B-The Seacoast in Courage the Greeks to become skilled sailors and traders

Omg Hannah is correct I got 100%

Hannah is correct! I got a 100!

She's right :0

thankssss hannah

Correcto Moondo

omg thank u so much

Go Hannah!!!! >^<

The effect of the conflict between Athens and Sparta on ancient Greek civilization can be determined by considering the historical context. To get the answer, we need to understand the events that took place during the Peloponnesian War, which was fought between Athens and Sparta from 431 to 404 BCE.

To find information about the consequences of this conflict, you can consult reputable historical sources such as books on ancient Greek history or academic articles. Libraries, online databases, or educational websites can provide access to such resources.

By studying the Peloponnesian War, you will find that the correct option is D) It caused further fractures among the Greek city-states. The conflict between Athens and Sparta resulted in significant divisions and animosity among the different city-states of ancient Greece. This led to a weakening of Greek unity, which made them more vulnerable to outside threats and conquests. It also contributed to the decline of the Greek city-states as dominant powers in the Mediterranean region.

In summary, by researching the Peloponnesian War and its consequences, you will discover that the conflict between Athens and Sparta caused further fractures among the Greek city-states, option D).