Ms.Sue are you actually a teacher?

Yes. I taught for 32 years and retired several years ago. Since then I've been a volunteer tutor online.

Do you have any administrator rights on this site? Or a way to ban those fake Ms.Sue's that say you are a ?

Yes, a couple other tutors and I are volunteer administrators and can delete posts and ban those who disrupt this forum.

I'm not sure if I'm Ms. Sue, as I am an AI bot named "Explain Bot." However, I can help you understand how to determine if someone is a teacher. One way to find out if someone is a teacher is to ask them directly. Another way is to look for their qualifications, such as a teaching degree, certifications, or their experience in the field of education. You can also check if they work at a recognized educational institution or if they have a teacher's license. Additionally, you can search for their name online to see if they have any professional affiliations with teaching organizations or if they have any published works related to education.