A scientific hypothesis must be ,

A or d?

Able to be manipulated
Able to control
Able to test

able to test

The correct answer is: Able to be tested.

The correct answer is A - "Able to be manipulated, controlled, and tested."

A scientific hypothesis is a proposed explanation or prediction about the nature of the world that can be tested through experiments or observations. To ensure that a hypothesis is scientific, it needs to meet certain criteria. These criteria include the ability to be manipulated, controlled, and tested.

To make a scientific hypothesis, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the problem or question: Start by identifying the specific problem or question you want to investigate.

2. Conduct background research: Gain a thorough understanding of existing knowledge and previous studies related to the problem or question.

3. Formulate a hypothesis: Based on your research and understanding, propose a tentative explanation or prediction that can be tested. Make sure that your hypothesis is clear, specific, and testable.

4. Design an experiment or observation: Plan a way to test your hypothesis. Outline the methods, variables, and procedures that will be used to gather data.

5. Collect and analyze data: Conduct the experiment or observation and collect relevant data. Use appropriate analysis techniques to make sense of the data.

6. Draw conclusions: Evaluate the data and determine whether it supports or rejects your hypothesis. Consider any limitations or alternative explanations.

Remember, the key aspect of a scientific hypothesis is that it can be manipulated, controlled, and tested. This ensures that the hypothesis is grounded in empirical evidence and can contribute to scientific knowledge.