Eric is twice as old as Ernest, who in turn is 5 years older than mike.if their total age is 47 years, how old is each of them?

M = Et - 5

Er = 2Et

Er + Et + M = 47

Substitute Et-5 for M and 2Et for Er in the third equation and solve for Et. Insert that value into the other equations to solve for M and Er. Check by putting all values into the third equation.

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

1. Let's start by assigning variables to each person's age:
- Eric's age: E
- Ernest's age: N
- Mike's age: M

2. We know that Eric is twice as old as Ernest. So, we can write the equation: E = 2N.

3. We also know that Ernest is 5 years older than Mike. So, we can write the equation: N = M + 5.

4. Finally, we know that their total age is 47 years. So, we can write the equation: E + N + M = 47.

Now, let's substitute the values from equation 2 and equation 3 into equation 4 to get a simplified expression:

(2N) + N + (N - 5) = 47

Simplifying the equation, we get:

4N - 5 = 47

Adding 5 to both sides of the equation, we get:

4N = 52

Dividing both sides of the equation by 4, we get:

N = 13

Substituting this value back into equation 2, we can find Eric's age:
E = 2N = 2 * 13 = 26

Finally, substituting the value of N into equation 3, we can find Mike's age:
M = N - 5 = 13 - 5 = 8

So, the ages of each person are:
Eric is 26 years old.
Ernest is 13 years old.
Mike is 8 years old.