using parentheses to make each number sentence true .. 8x9-2-3 equals 32

8x(9-2-3) equals 32

To make the number sentence "8 × 9 - 2 - 3" equal to 32 using parentheses, you need to strategically group the numbers and operations together. Here's one possible way to accomplish this:

8 × (9 - 2) - 3 = 32

Here's how you get the answer step by step:

1. Start with the original number sentence: 8 × 9 - 2 - 3
2. First, evaluate the expression within the innermost set of parentheses by subtracting: (9 - 2) = 7
3. Replace the expression within the parentheses with the evaluated value: 8 × 7 - 3
4. Next, perform the multiplication: 8 × 7 = 56
5. Replace the multiplication with the result: 56 - 3
6. Finally, perform the subtraction: 56 - 3 = 53

As you can see, the original number sentence does not equal 32. However, by grouping the subtraction operation together with the parentheses, we can alter the order of operations and make it equal to 32.