How did mountain passes influence the rise and decline of ancient Indian empires?

They prevented contact between the Gupta and White Hun cultures.
They provided routes for migrating peoples from the Persian Gulf. *******
They allowed invading foreign armies access to northern India.
They permitted Chandragupta Maurya to conquer the Deccan rajahs.

the correct answer would be c.

Do you go to connections? I'm doing the same assignment man, it sucks.

Yeah bro, pearson connexus sucks I feel you Moo.

i go to connections

and thanks sue only 2 answers i needed help with

Connections lol

Hey if you could help me out, that would be really appreciated.

Mountain passes in ancient India played a significant role in influencing the rise and decline of Indian empires in various ways.

Firstly, they prevented contact between the Gupta and White Hun cultures. Mountain ranges, such as the Himalayas, acted as natural barriers and made communication and trade difficult. This hindered interactions between different cultures and limited the spread of ideas, technologies, and trade routes.

Secondly, mountain passes provided routes for migrating peoples from the Persian Gulf. These migratory movements had a significant impact on the political and cultural landscape of ancient India. For instance, the Indo-Aryan migration into the Indian subcontinent is believed to have occurred through the Khyber Pass, leading to the establishment of the Vedic civilization.

In addition, mountain passes allowed invading foreign armies access to northern India. Throughout history, numerous foreign invaders, such as the Persians, Greeks, and Central Asian tribes, used mountain passes as entry points into the Indian subcontinent. This led to invasions and subsequent rule over various parts of ancient India, thereby impacting the rise and decline of different empires.

Lastly, mountain passes played a role in permitting Chandragupta Maurya to conquer the Deccan rajahs. Chandragupta Maurya, founder of the Mauryan Empire, utilized mountain passes to mobilize his armies and launch military campaigns against the regional rulers of the Deccan region. By strategically using these routes, his empire expanded its territories, exerting influence over a larger portion of ancient India.

Overall, mountain passes in ancient India had a significant influence on the rise and decline of empires by regulating cultural exchange, facilitating migratory movements, allowing invasions by foreign armies, and enabling conquerors to expand their territories.