$9500 is​ invested, part of it at 12​% and part of it at 7​%. For a certain​ year, the total yield is ​$960.00. How much was invested at each​ rate?


if x is at 12%, then the rest (9500-x) is at 7%.

so, add up the interest for each part. The sum must be 960.00

To solve this problem, you can use a system of equations.

Assume that the amount invested at 12% is "x" dollars, and the amount invested at 7% is "9500 - x" dollars.

Now, let's calculate the yield from each investment:

Yield from the investment at 12% = (12/100) * x
Yield from the investment at 7% = (7/100) * (9500 - x)

According to the problem, the total yield is $960:

(12/100) * x + (7/100) * (9500 - x) = 960

Simplifying the equation:

0.12x + 0.07(9500 - x) = 960

Now, let's solve for x:

0.12x + 0.07 * 9500 - 0.07x = 960

0.12x - 0.07x = 960 - 0.07 * 9500

0.05x = 960 - 665

0.05x = 295

x = 295 / 0.05

x = 5900

So, $5900 was invested at a 12% interest rate, and $9500 - $5900 = $3600 was invested at a 7% interest rate.