In Hinduism, what is the role of reincarnation in achieving moksha?

Reincarnation prevents people from achieving moksha.
Moksha is the essential self, which reincarnation allows one to discover.
Reincarnation allows one to work toward moksha through several lifetimes.**********************
Reincarnation and moksha are determined by ahimsa.

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In Hinduism, what is the role of reincarnation in achieving moksha?

Thank you

The correct answer is: Reincarnation allows one to work toward moksha through several lifetimes.

In Hinduism, reincarnation, also known as samsara, is the belief that the soul or the "atman" is reborn into a new body after death. This cycle of birth, death, and rebirth continues until the soul achieves liberation from this cycle, which is known as moksha.

Reincarnation plays a crucial role in achieving moksha because it provides individuals with multiple opportunities to progress spiritually and attain liberation. Each lifetime enables individuals to learn important lessons, fulfill their karmic obligations, and purify their souls. It is through the various experiences and challenges faced in different lifetimes that individuals have the chance to evolve spiritually and ultimately attain moksha.

Therefore, the role of reincarnation in achieving moksha is that it allows individuals to work towards liberation over several lifetimes, gradually shedding attachments, ignorance, and desires, until they attain spiritual enlightenment and break free from the cycle of rebirth.

I agree.

You are very welcome.