1: Which of the following responsibilities are held by the legislative, rather than executive, branch? (Select 2)

A: writing and voting on new laws(my answer)
B: providing social programs to citizens
C: selecting new judges for federal courts
D: determining the budget of government departments
E: determining the priorities of law enforcement agencies(my answer)

Is it A and E?

@Anonymous you are right. I chose D instead of C and i got that wrong. So Ms.Sue is not accurate at all. So it is A and C

The correct answers are A and C, just took this

A is correct.

Enforcement of the laws is a responsibility of the executive branch.

Well I know legislative's job is mainly creating new laws. Hmm... im going to have to go with A and D?

Yes, D is the other answer.

A and D for a fact

Yes, you are correct. The responsibilities held by the legislative branch, rather than the executive branch, are:

A: Writing and voting on new laws - The legislative branch, which includes Congress in the United States, is responsible for proposing, discussing, and passing new laws. This involves the process of drafting bills, debating them, and ultimately voting on whether to turn them into actual laws.

E: Determining the priorities of law enforcement agencies - The legislative branch also has the authority to determine the priorities and policies of law enforcement agencies. This can involve creating laws that dictate the focus and goals of law enforcement, as well as providing oversight and funding to ensure that these agencies align with the legislative branch's priorities.

On the other hand, the responsibilities mentioned in options B, C, and D are typically held by the executive branch:

B: Providing social programs to citizens - The executive branch, which is headed by the president or prime minister in many countries, is primarily responsible for implementing social programs and policies designed to benefit citizens, such as healthcare, education, and welfare programs.

C: Selecting new judges for federal courts - The executive branch is typically responsible for nominating and appointing judges for federal courts. This involves the president or relevant authority selecting individuals to be considered for judicial positions.

D: Determining the budget of government departments - The executive branch is responsible for creating and presenting the budget proposal for government departments, which includes allocating funding to different areas of government operations. This is typically done by the president or prime minister, often in collaboration with the legislative branch.