Which number is equivalent to 0.45(with line over 45)

A. 1/45**
B. 5/11
C. 4/5
D. 1/4

Is my answer correct?

The answer is 5/11. I am grading my sons test now.

Then show us how you do it, sheesh...

I don't know these answers they are hard!


sooo what is it

@steve i dont have one bc im grounded

To determine which number is equivalent to 0.45 (with a line over 45), we can use the concept of fractions.

The number 0.45 (with a line over 45) is a decimal representation of a fraction where the number 45 is the numerator, and the line over it indicates that it is a repeating decimal.

To convert this decimal into a fraction, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Let x be the number we are trying to find, so we have x = 0.45 (with a line over 45).

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by 100 to get rid of the decimal point. This gives us 100x = 45 (with a line over 45).

Step 3: Subtract x from both sides of the equation to isolate the fraction on one side. This gives us 100x - x = 45 (with a line over 45) - x.

Simplifying the equation, we have 99x = 45 (with a line over 45).

Step 4: Divide both sides of the equation by 99 to solve for x. This gives us (99x) / 99 = (45 (with a line over 45)) / 99.

Simplifying further, we have x = (45 (with a line over 45)) / 99.

Therefore, the equivalent fraction of 0.45 (with a line over 45) is (45 (with a line over 45)) / 99.

Looking at the answer choices, we can see that the correct option is A. 1/45, which matches the equivalent fraction we found.

So, yes, your answer is correct.

No it is not put it in a calculator to get the answer

dude its so easy

no. 0.45 = 45/99

reduce that

1/45 = 0.022222...
as you could easily have checked on your calculator. geez.