
City XYZ has 8800 registered voters. There are two candidates: Peter and Paul. A poll of 600 randomly selected registered voters was conducted. We know that 331 said they'd vote for Peter and 251 said they'd vote for Paul. We also know that 18 were undecided. Give the sample statistics for the proportion of voters surveyed who said they would vote for Paul. The proportion should be a fraction or decimal, not a percent.

To find the sample statistic for the proportion of voters surveyed who said they would vote for Paul, we need to divide the number of voters who said they would vote for Paul by the total number of voters in the sample.

Number of voters who said they would vote for Paul: 251
Total number of voters in the sample: 600

Therefore, the sample statistic for the proportion of voters surveyed who said they would vote for Paul is:

251/600 = 0.41833 (rounded to five decimal places)

So, the sample statistic for the proportion of voters surveyed who said they would vote for Paul is approximately 0.41833.

To find the sample statistic for the proportion of voters surveyed who said they would vote for Paul, you can use the formula:

proportion = frequency of Paul's supporters / total sample size

In this case, the frequency of Paul's supporters is 251, and the total sample size is 600. So, the calculation would be:

proportion of Paul's supporters = 251 / 600

Now, let's evaluate this expression:

251 divided by 600 equals 0.4183333 (rounded to 7 decimal places).

Therefore, the sample statistic for the proportion of voters surveyed who said they would vote for Paul is approximately 0.418 (rounded to 3 decimal places).