Sketch a rough graph of the yield of a crop as a function of the amount of fertilizer used.

Lack data. Also cannot graph on these posts.

To sketch a rough graph of the yield of a crop as a function of the amount of fertilizer used, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the variables: The independent variable would be the amount of fertilizer used, and the dependent variable would be the yield of the crop.

2. Determine data points: Start by determining a few data points to plot on the graph. It is important to note that this is a rough sketch, and more precise data can be collected for a more accurate representation of the relationship between fertilizer and yield.

3. Create a coordinate system: Draw a set of axes, with the horizontal axis representing the amount of fertilizer used, and the vertical axis representing the yield of the crop. Label the axes accordingly.

4. Plot the data points: Using the data points you determined in step 2, plot them on the graph. Consider designating different markers or colors to differentiate the plotted points.

5. Connect the points: Draw a smooth curve that connects the plotted points to represent the relationship between fertilizer usage and crop yield. The shape of the curve will depend on how the yield responds to changes in fertilizer. For example, it may start increasing rapidly and then plateau, or it might have a linear relationship.

6. Label the graph: Add a title to the graph indicating the relationship being represented. You may also include labels or annotations to make the graph easier to understand.

Remember, this is a rough sketch, and more accurate data and analysis may be required for precise representations of such relationships.