1, What was one reason for the formation of the Democratic Republican Party?

Washington's cabinet members wanted to form a new party to strengthen the federal government
Thomas Jefferson's views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton ****
The alien and sedition acts outlined the need for a new political party
The threat of war with Britain inspired a revolt against the Federalists

2, Why did Adams increase the size of the American Navy?

He wanted to prepare for all-out war on Britain
He hoped it would deter more attacks by French ships
He needed to use tax money to fund an increase in military spending***
Congress passed a law that required him to increase support for the Navy

3, Why did Congress decide the election of 1800

Based on the outcome it was mandated by the US Constitution
The popular vote was a tie ***
No candidate won the election ****
Not enough citizens voted to determine the outcome

4, One way president Jefferson protected American commerce early in his presidency was by which of the following

Focusing his public policy on advancing the growth of factories
Favoring France during its war with Britain
Restructuring the trade laws between states to stimulate Interstate trade***
Protecting American merchant ships from attack at sea by paying a yearly fee to Barbary States

5, What caused Napoleon to decide to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States

It was too far away to govern effectively
The Louisiana territory was no longer useful to him after a slave revolt in Haiti
He could no longer control the Native Americans living in the territory ***
He was about to lose it in war to Spain so he decided to sell it instead

6, which of the following best describes the purpose of the Non- Intercourse Act

To forbid the US from trading with Britain and France so the country's would recognize US trading rights
To allow US merchants to resume trade with all countries except Britain and France
To limit the types of goods that US merchants could trade only with Britain and France but not any other countries*****

Can someone help me, are these right?

I do not know where to start.

I think you had best go back and read the relevant chapters in your text again.

I answered the first three for you.

Now I urge you to take Damon's advice.

Lyssey -- why are you insulting people here? Does it make you feel better about yourself?

Were these answers right????

1. The correct answer is: Thomas Jefferson's views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.

To confirm this answer, you can review historical sources and analyze the political climate during that time. The Democratic-Republican Party was formed in the late 18th century as a response to the policies of Alexander Hamilton and his Federalist Party. Thomas Jefferson, who held conflicting political views with Hamilton, was one of the key figures in the formation of the Democratic-Republican Party, which aimed to champion states' rights and limit the powers of the federal government.

2. The correct answer is: He hoped it would deter more attacks by French ships.

To verify this answer, you can consult primary sources and historical accounts of the time. John Adams, the second President of the United States, increased the size of the American Navy as a response to the Quasi-War with France. By strengthening the naval forces, Adams aimed to deter further attacks by French ships and protect American interests at sea.

3. The correct answer is: The popular vote was a tie.

To validate this answer, you can study historical records and analyses of the election. The election of 1800 was a significant event in American history. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, both Democratic-Republicans, received the same number of electoral votes. As a result, the decision was then passed on to the House of Representatives to break the tie and decide the outcome of the election.

4. The correct answer is: Restructuring the trade laws between states to stimulate Interstate trade.

To verify this answer, you can examine historical sources and Jefferson's policies. President Thomas Jefferson implemented policies aimed at protecting American commerce, one of which was restructuring the trade laws between states to stimulate interstate trade. This was part of his broader effort to promote economic growth and expand American influence.

5. The correct answer is: He could no longer control the Native Americans living in the territory.

To confirm this answer, you can consult historical records and analyses. Napoleon's decision to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States was influenced by several factors. One of the primary reasons was his inability to control the Native American tribes living in the territory, which posed a threat to French interests. By selling the land to the United States, Napoleon aimed to secure funds for his European military ambitions while also removing the problem of maintaining control over the territory.

6. The correct answer is: To allow US merchants to resume trade with all countries except Britain and France.

To verify this answer, you can refer to historical sources and documents related to the Non-Intercourse Act. The Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 was passed to lift the embargo placed on American trade with all foreign nations, except Britain and France. Its purpose was to restore American overseas trade while still maintaining pressure on Britain and France to respect American neutrality rights amidst their ongoing conflicts and impressment of American sailors.