Can someone check my answers if there wrong can you give me the right answers please

1, What was one reason for the formation of the Democratic Republican Party?

Washington's cabinet members wanted to form a new party to strengthen the federal government
Thomas Jefferson's views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton ****
The alien and sedition acts outlined the need for a new political party
The threat of war with Britain inspired a revolt against the Federalists

2, Why did Adams increase the size of the American Navy?

He wanted to prepare for all-out war on Britain
He hoped it would deter more attacks by French ships
He needed to use tax money to fund an increase in military spending***
Congress passed a law that required him to increase support for the Navy

3, Why did Congress decide the election of 1800

Based on the outcome it was mandated by the US Constitution
The popular vote was a tie ***
No candidate won the election ****
Not enough citizens voted to determine the outcome

4, One way president Jefferson protected American commerce early in his presidency was by which of the following

Focusing his public policy on advancing the growth of factories
Favoring France during its war with Britain
Restructuring the trade laws between states to stimulate Interstate trade***
Protecting American merchant ships from attack at sea by paying a yearly fee to Barbary States

5, What caused Napoleon to decide to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States

It was too far away to govern effectively
The Louisiana territory was no longer useful to him after a slave revolt in Haiti
He could no longer control the Native Americans living in the territory ***
He was about to lose it in war to Spain so he decided to sell it instead

6, which of the following best describes the purpose of the Non- Intercourse Act

To forbid the US from trading with Britain and France so the country's would recognize US trading rights
To allow US merchants to resume trade with all countries except Britain and France
To limit the types of goods that US merchants could trade only with Britain and France but not any other countries*****

Are any right?

1a 2c 3c 4a 5b 6b 7a&c 8 doesn't matter 9b 10b

Thxs anonymous theystay true :)

I can check your answers and provide the correct ones. Here are the correct answers:

1. The correct answer is: Thomas Jefferson's views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton. This disagreement between Jefferson and Hamilton led to the formation of political parties, with Jefferson's supporters forming the Democratic-Republican Party.

2. The correct answer is: He hoped it would deter more attacks by French ships. Adams increased the size of the American Navy in order to protect American ships from French attacks during the Quasi-War with France.

3. The correct answer is: No candidate won the election. In the election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied in the Electoral College, which led to the decision being made by the House of Representatives.

4. The correct answer is: Protecting American merchant ships from attack at sea by paying a yearly fee to Barbary States. President Jefferson protected American commerce by negotiating treaties and paying tribute to the Barbary States in North Africa to prevent attacks on American shipping.

5. The correct answer is: The Louisiana territory was no longer useful to him after a slave revolt in Haiti. Napoleon's defeat in Haiti and the loss of French control there made him realize that maintaining control of Louisiana would be difficult and expensive.

6. The correct answer is: To allow US merchants to resume trade with all countries except Britain and France. The Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 was passed to replace the Embargo Act of 1807, and it lifted the trade restrictions on all nations except Britain and France in an attempt to protect American interests while avoiding direct conflict.

Please note that these answers are based on historical knowledge, and it's always a good idea to consult reliable sources for verification.