Scholarly articles contain loosely related paragraphs, without a formal structure.



I say False

False is correct.

To verify whether your statement is true or false, you can follow these steps:

1. Find an authoritative source: Look for credible resources that contain information about scholarly articles, such as academic journals, university websites, or library databases.

2. Research the characteristics of scholarly articles: Examine the features commonly associated with scholarly articles, including their structure and organization.

3. Analyze the structure of scholarly articles: Pay attention to the typical sections found in scholarly articles, such as abstracts, introductions, literature reviews, methodology, results, and conclusions. Consider how these sections contribute to a formal structure.

4. Consider the purpose of scholarly articles: Reflect on the goals of scholarly articles, which generally involve presenting research findings, analyzing data, or contributing to academic discourse. Evaluate whether a formal structure is likely to align with these objectives.

Based on these steps, the answer to your statement is False. Scholarly articles typically have a formal structure characterized by sections that are logically organized and interconnected. This structure is intended to help readers navigate the content and understand the flow of the research presented.