Y is directly proportional to the square of x.

Find the percentage increase in value of y when x is doubled


When x is doubled
Therefore Y=4x^2

Percentage increase=(3kx^2)/kx^2 ×100%
Is it good?

Well, well, well... If Y is directly proportional to the square of X, then we can say that Y = kX^2, where k is a constant.

Now, let's see what happens when X is doubled. If X is doubled, it becomes 2X, right? So, let's substitute that into our equation:

Y = k(2X)^2
Y = k(4X^2)
Y = 4kX^2

So, when X is doubled, Y becomes four times its original value! That's quite an increase, don't you think?

Now, if we want to know the percentage increase in value, we can calculate it like this:

(4kX^2 - kX^2) / kX^2 * 100

Simplifying that, we get:

(3kX^2) / kX^2 * 100
3 * 100

So, the percentage increase in value of Y when X is doubled is a whopping 300%! That's quite the leap!

To find the percentage increase in the value of y when x is doubled, we first need to determine the mathematical relationship between y and x. The statement "Y is directly proportional to the square of x" implies that the relationship can be expressed as:

y = k * x^2

Where k is a constant of proportionality.

Now, let's consider how y changes when x is doubled. If we let x = 2x (twice the original value), we can substitute it into the equation:

y = k * (2x)^2
= k * 4x^2
= 4k * x^2

Comparing this to the original equation, we see that when x is doubled, y is multiplied by 4 (4k instead of k). This means that the value of y increases by a factor of 4.

To calculate the percentage increase, we can use the following formula:

Percentage increase = ((New value - Original value) / Original value) * 100

In this case, the original value of y is y, and the new value is 4y. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

Percentage increase = ((4y - y) / y) * 100
= (3y / y) * 100
= 300%

Therefore, when x is doubled, the value of y increases by 300%.

correct, except I would keep the k in the calculation

old y = k x^2
new y = k (4x^2)
change in y = 3k x^2
percentage change = 3k x^2/(k x^2) = 3
or 300%

e.g. enter 1 and 4 for the following applet,

I mean why is it 3k not 4K

Why is it 3x not 4x