What symbols are present in the poem, Salt Water Moon, by David French?

Apparently, no one here has read this work.

Use the table of contents at the right, and read different parts of this study guide, especially the synopsis, characters, themes, and maybe Curriculum Connections.

Thank you for the link, I checked it out, however I still have trouble finding the symbols. I think that the moon and stars could be symbols in the play, as they are mentioned several times, however I'm not sure what they could represent.

To find the symbols in the poem "Salt Water Moon" by David French, you first need to read and analyze the poem. Look for elements that may represent something beyond their literal meaning. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to identify symbols in a poem:

1. Read the poem: Start by reading the poem carefully, paying attention to the imagery, metaphors, and any repeated words or phrases that may hold symbolic meaning.

2. Consider the context: Understand the background and setting of the poem. Think about the time period, location, and any historical or cultural references that could provide clues about potential symbols.

3. Identify recurring images: Look for images or objects that appear throughout the poem. These can be physical objects, natural elements, or even specific colors. Note down any particular images that stand out or are mentioned repeatedly.

4. Analyze metaphorical language: Pay attention to metaphors, similes, and other figurative language used in the poem. These comparative descriptions often have symbolic implications. Consider what the objects or ideas are being compared to and what that might suggest.

5. Connect to broader ideas: Think about the themes and messages conveyed in the poem. Consider how the symbols you have identified contribute to these larger ideas. Symbols often represent abstract concepts such as love, death, or freedom.

Keep in mind that different readers may interpret symbols differently, so it's important to support your analysis with evidence from the poem.