A photo is 4 inches wide. It is placed inside a frame with a border that is x inches wide. The total width of the photo and the frame is 7 inches. Write an equation to model the situation. Then solve the equation to find the width of the border.

4 + x = 7
x = 7 - 4
x = 3

Is this what they want?


4 + 2x = 7
2x = 7 - 4
2x = 3
x = 3/2
Is this correct?

Oh ok, so it would be 2x, not just x

That's a good start, but there is border on both sides of the photo.


Thanks Fading, you did great


Yes, you are correct. The equation to model the situation is 4 + x = 7, where x represents the width of the border. By subtracting 4 from both sides of the equation, we get x = 7 - 4, which simplifies to x = 3. Therefore, the width of the border is 3 inches.