North America Foods - Exported to

Chilles South Asia
Sweet potatoes China
Corn China, Africa
Manioc Africa
Tomatoes Europe

Based on the chart and what you know of the Columbian Exchange, which statement best explains why people in West Africa eat manioc?

A. Europeans introduced manioc to Africa after encountering it in America.
B. Early Native Americans established trade routes with West Africans.
C. Manioc is native to West Africa and a traditional part of local diets.
D. Early Native Americans brought manioc with them on voyages to Africa.

I'm in between C, and B. Europeans wouldn't introduce manioc to West Africa; but I'm a little bit iffy about D.
Am I right or wrong? Help is appreciated!!

still A

Google manioc Portuguese Brazil

Based on the information provided, option C is the most plausible explanation. Manioc is native to West Africa, and it is a traditional part of local diets. The Columbian Exchange refers to the widespread exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the Old World (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and the New World (the Americas) following Christopher Columbus's voyages. There is no specific mention in the chart that suggests Europeans introduced manioc to Africa or that Native Americans established trade routes specifically with West Africans. Therefore, option C is the best explanation for why people in West Africa eat manioc.

Based on the given information, the best statement that explains why people in West Africa eat manioc is option C: "Manioc is native to West Africa and a traditional part of local diets."

Here's the breakdown of each option:

A. Europeans introduced manioc to Africa after encountering it in America: This statement is not correct because manioc is not native to America. It is native to South America, and there is no mention in the given chart that Europeans introduced manioc to Africa.

B. Early Native Americans established trade routes with West Africans: This statement is not supported by the given information. The chart does not mention any trade routes between Native Americans and West Africans, especially regarding the exchange of manioc.

C. Manioc is native to West Africa and a traditional part of local diets: This statement is the most accurate and supported by the given information. Manioc is indeed native to Africa, and it has been a part of the local diets in West Africa for a long time.

D. Early Native Americans brought manioc with them on voyages to Africa: There is no evidence in the given chart or information to suggest that Early Native Americans brought manioc with them to Africa. Manioc is not native to America, and there is no mention of Native Americans voyaging to Africa with manioc.

Therefore, based on the information provided, option C is the most logical and accurate statement to explain why people in West Africa eat manioc.