Chapter Seven explores the role of symbols in conveying literary themes. Themes are abundant in literaryworks (though they are at some times more obvious than at others). Select one short story from the reading assignments (from either Week One or Week Two) to examine more closely in relation to

symbolism. Consider the story’s overall theme(s) and use of images as well as how these two relate to one
another. You may choose to explore one single recurring symbol, or you may discuss multiple symbols and how they relate to one another

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To select a short story from the reading assignments that explores the role of symbols in conveying literary themes, you can follow these steps:

1. Review the short stories from the reading assignments in both Week One and Week Two.
2. Pay attention to the overall themes of each story. Consider what messages or ideas the author seems to be exploring.
3. Look for instances of symbolism within each story. Symbols are objects, characters, or events that have a deeper meaning beyond their literal representation.
4. Identify any recurring symbols or images in the story. These could be objects, colors, animals, or actions that appear multiple times or hold a significant meaning in the narrative.
5. Analyze how these symbols relate to the overall theme(s) of the story. Consider how they reinforce or enhance the message or underlying ideas that the author is trying to convey.

Once you have followed these steps, you will have chosen a short story to examine more closely in relation to symbolism, its overall theme(s), and the use of images.