How did Native Americans influence other parts of the world?

A. They taught settlers how to grow crops that were traded with other countries.

B. They were taken as slaves to other parts of the world where they grew crops.

C. The millions of Native Americans who died from diseases significantly affected global population.

D. They taught settlers how to make weapons that were then traded with other countries.

I'm in between A, or B. Can someone help me?

B is nonsense.

Native Americans did not work out as slaves even here in America. They revolted or died. That is why the European creeps started importing slaves from Africa.

Yes A, like corn

You are welcome.

Aha, no, it isn't what we're talking about!!

So, what I'm thinking is - the answer is A. Since C doesn't make any sense, like how does death influence America????

But if it is C, then that'll make me learn. Overall, thank you for your help Damon!! I appreciate it.

Ah, okay. Since it isn't B, I looked over in my History book - I'm in between A and D. now.

Oh come on! Native Americans did not have gunpowder. The European invaders did. Both had bows and arrows and hatchets. The Spanish horses were their best weapon though. Of course blowguns were kind of unusual in 17 th century Europe but I am not sure that is what we are talking about :)

by the way American tribes were so thinly spread out that even if every single person one died it would have been just a blip in global population

Certainly! I can help you narrow down your options to find the correct answer.

Option A suggests that Native Americans taught settlers how to grow crops that were traded with other countries. This is indeed a significant influence that Native Americans had on other parts of the world. Native American agricultural techniques, such as the Three Sisters planting method (corn, beans, and squash grown together), were introduced to European settlers and had a profound impact on crop cultivation in the Americas and beyond.

Option B states that Native Americans were taken as slaves to other parts of the world where they grew crops. While there were instances of Indigenous peoples being enslaved during colonization, it is not a primary way in which Native Americans influenced other parts of the world.

Now let's examine option C. It suggests that the millions of Native Americans who died from diseases significantly affected the global population. This is an accurate statement. When European explorers arrived in the Americas, they brought with them various diseases to which Native Americans had no immunity. As a result, numerous Native American communities were decimated by diseases like smallpox, leading to significant changes in global population dynamics.

Lastly, option D suggests that Native Americans taught settlers how to make weapons that were then traded with other countries. While Native Americans certainly had their own weapons and techniques for warfare, they were not major contributors to the global weapons trade. Therefore, option D is not the correct answer.

Based on the explanations above, option C - the significant impact of Native American diseases on global population - is the most accurate choice.