i have an interview tomorrow about the public issues in ohio and the future of ohio how do i go about talking/appearing/etiquette?

Be clear in the questions or answers you give.

Appear confident, but not over-bearing.

And of course, be polite and courteous.

what should I wear?

can you give me some sample questions they might ask?

You want to dress in a way that shows you are mature and care about how you look. So, I would say something dress-casual. Wear nice but comfortable shoes. You want your appearance to make people take you seriously, but not be overdone (don't draw attention to yourself by wearing something very unusual). If you're there as a student, they may want to look like a student. If you will be on camera, there are certain things camera people prefer you not wear. You might do a google search for this. I think white and stripes are things not to wear. A white shirt under a blazer or jacket would probably be OK.

Good luck!

Lauren posted some excellent ideas about clothing for your interview.

I assume the interview is tied in with tomorrow's election. Ohio's issues are similar to those of many other states. High unemployment, the recession, paying for good education, high costs of medical care, etc.

Check out this site.


Preparing for an interview about public issues in Ohio and the future of the state is a great opportunity to showcase your knowledge and passion. Here are some tips to help you with your communication, appearance, and etiquette during the interview:

1. Research: Start by researching recent public issues in Ohio and gain an understanding of their impact on the state. Look for reliable sources such as government websites, news articles, or reports from think tanks and policy organizations. This will help you form well-informed opinions and present yourself as a knowledgeable candidate.

2. Dress professionally: Ensure you dress appropriately for the interview. Generally, it's best to err on the side of being slightly overdressed rather than underdressed. Choose conservative and formal attire, such as a suit or a professional dress, to make a good first impression.

3. Non-verbal communication: Pay attention to your non-verbal cues during the interview. Maintain good eye contact with the interviewer, sit up straight, and use confident body language. Avoid fidgeting or crossing your arms, as these can convey nervousness or defensiveness.

4. Active listening: Demonstrate your attentiveness and engagement by actively listening to the interviewer's questions. Allow them to finish speaking before you respond and avoid interrupting. This shows respect and ensures that you fully understand the question before providing your answer.

5. Structure your responses: When answering questions, use a structured approach to ensure clarity and coherence. You can use the STAR technique: Situation, Task, Action, and Result. Start by describing the situation, explain the task or challenge involved, outline the actions you took, and conclude with the results or lessons learned.

6. Stay focused and concise: While it's essential to provide detailed responses, be mindful of time constraints and avoid going off on tangents. Stay focused on directly addressing the question asked and be concise in your answers. This shows your ability to communicate effectively and respect the interviewer's time.

7. Maintain a positive and respectful tone: Regardless of the topic being discussed, maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout the interview. Even if you disagree with a particular perspective or policy, express your opinions in a diplomatic manner, highlighting constructive solutions or alternative viewpoints.

8. Practice and mock interviews: Consider conducting mock interviews with a friend, family member, or a career counselor. Practicing beforehand helps you refine your answers, improve your delivery, and build confidence. You can also anticipate potential questions related to public issues in Ohio and prepare thoughtful responses.

Remember, the interview is an opportunity to showcase your knowledge, critical thinking skills, and ability to communicate effectively. By following these tips, you'll enhance your chances of having a successful interview and leaving a positive impression on the interviewer. Good luck!