is ethic and belief related or does does it have a vast difference?

I see differences between these two concepts. An ethic usually is related to a person's behavior, while a belief is internal and may not show itself outwardly. Check these definitions.

One's ethics and ones belief system have great similarities.

The discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation

Ones system of values.

This is much too vague for me to help.

what kind of ethic? work ethic? moral outlook? social ethic?

What kind of belief? Religious? The origin of the universe? The fundamental outlook on paper money vs Gold?

If you are looking for moral ethic (right and wrong) vs religious belief, my experience if you take a group of "similar" religious folks, say in a church, in a group of 100, you will have 100 different beliefs. It wouldn't surprise me to find that many divisions on right and wrong...such as marriage, divorce, child rearing, teaching sex in schools, abortion rights, and so on.

I suspect the correlation coefficent between the two is about .002

Ethics and beliefs are related concepts, but they have some key differences.

Ethics refers to a set of principles or moral values that guide one's behavior and choices in a society or community. It involves determining what is right or wrong, good or bad, and what actions are morally acceptable or unacceptable. Ethics is often based on a combination of individual, cultural, and societal values.

Beliefs, on the other hand, are personal convictions or opinions that individuals hold about various aspects of life, including religious, philosophical, or moral matters. Beliefs can be based on personal experiences, faith, or cultural and societal influences.

While ethics and beliefs can be interconnected, ethics often provide a broader framework for determining what is morally right or wrong, regardless of individual beliefs. Ethics aim to establish universal principles that can guide ethical decision-making across diverse belief systems.

To understand the relationship between ethics and beliefs, one can explore how personal beliefs influence one's ethical stance. For example, someone's religious belief may shape their ethical understanding of concepts like honesty, compassion, or respect. However, ethical standards are not solely based on personal beliefs; they also consider societal norms and values, legal frameworks, and the impact of actions on others.

In summary, ethics provides a broader framework of moral principles and values that guide behavior, while beliefs are personally-held convictions about various aspects of life. Both ethics and beliefs play a role in shaping an individual's moral decision-making, though ethics aim to establish universal principles that can be applied across diverse belief systems.