Use the digits 2, 4, 6, 8, and any operation or brackets to make an expression that equals to 60.

(8-2)(4+6) = 60



To create an expression using the digits 2, 4, 6, and 8 that equals 60, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by combining the digits in various ways. Since the number 60 contains the digit 6, it is a good idea to use it as a starting point. One possibility is using 6 x 10, where 10 is derived from the digits 2 and 8 (10 = 8 + 2).

2. With this in mind, you can create the expression (6 x 10). Now, you are left with the digits 2 and 4. To get rid of the digit 4, you will need to use an operation that results in 4 as the final step.

3. One way to obtain 4 using the remaining digits is (2+2). Adding the two 2's gives you 4. So, the final expression becomes: (6 x 10) + (2 + 2).

By simplifying the expression, you get: 60 + 4, which equals 64. While this doesn't yield the desired result of 60, it is not possible to create an expression using the given digits that equals exactly 60.