are 8x^2y and -5yx^2 like terms?


yes, as in like polynomials.

To determine whether 8x^2y and -5yx^2 are like terms, we need to understand what like terms are. Like terms have the same variables raised to the same powers. In this case, both terms have the same variables, x and y, but the powers of those variables are different.

The term 8x^2y has x raised to the power of 2 and y raised to the power of 1, while the term -5yx^2 has y raised to the power of 1 and x raised to the power of 2. Since the powers do not match, these terms are not like terms.

If we were to simplify or combine like terms in an expression, we could only combine terms that have the same variables raised to the same powers. In this case, 8x^2y and -5yx^2 cannot be combined.